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Tianshi Chitosan Capsules - Fat Absorbing Tiens Products

Tianshi Chitosan Capsule helped reduce the bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood while increasing the good HDL cholesterol

Tianshi Chitosan Capsules

Studies have shown that Tianshi Chitosan Capsules helped reduce the bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood while increasing the good HDL cholesterol. This dietary fiber is a valuable addition to properly balanced weight management programme. Chitosan also provides important cleansing attributes, which aid in the digestive process and promote digestive track health.

The effective ingredient of Tianshi Chitosan Capsules is Chitosan (powder) 350mg and every capsule contains no less than 144mg of deacetylation

Tianshi Chitosan Capsules Health Benefits:

  1. As a detoxifier, it helps to clean poisonous elements from our body
  2. Tianshi Chitosan Capsules is an amazing fat absorbing dietary fiber.
  3. Reduce radiation pollution effects
  4. Fights serious constipation
  5. It prevents colorectal cancer
  6. Inhibit poisons produced by cancer cells, thus prevent iron deficiency, anemia and loss of body weights.  Also increase appetite of cancer patients.
  7. Revitalizes the lymphocytes (white blood cells) that kills cancer cells
  8. Inhibits metastasis (transfer) of cancer cells
  9. Hinders the excess absorption of cholesterol in the body
  10. Lowers blood sugar thus preventing and controlling Diabetic Mellitus
  11. Hasten the healing of burns, scalding and trauma
  12. Relieves lumbago and back pain
  13. Strengthens the liver
  14. Has anti-cancer properties thus kills cancer cells
  15. Helps to reduce fat and excess weight
  16. Helps to cleanse heavy metal and deposited toxins in the body
  17. Has high cells affinity, hence useful for burns
  18. Forms artificial skin without any scar

As a dietary supplement, Chitosan has been marketed for over 20 years in Europe Japan as a "fat blocker". When combined with a sensible diet and moderate exercise, Chitosan can work with your body to help eliminate unwanted fat.

1. What is chintin-chitosan?
Chitin is a strait chain biopolymer with a structure similar to that of cellulose, consisting of 1,000 - 3,000 units of N-acety-D-gIucosamine in the form of an amorphous polysaccharide. Chitosan is the partially deacylated chitin with 65%- 99% deacetylation, but the 85% deacylated content is most suitable as food. Thus, the partially deacylated product is commonly called chitin-chitosan.

2. Chitin is widely distributed in nature and can be found in the following living
a. The exoskeletons of marine crustaceans, especially the red-footed crab.
b. The outer shell and skeleton of Mollusca
c. The outer skeleton of arthropods
d. Cell walls of fungi and yeast.

1. Can be degraded by various enzymes in the human body. It can be degraded by lysozyme, kitonase and lecitinase in cow milk to form low molecular weight polymers with six units of glucosamine most suitable for the adjustment of physiological functions in the human body.

2. In acidic solvents it dissolves to form positively charged cations, because chitosan contains amino groups in its structure it is basic in nature and can form salts with acids, such as the formation of hydrochloride with HCI in the Stomach. R-NH, + HCl R-NH3+Cl-

3. High affinity to cells: The basic unit in chitin-chitosan – N-acetyl-glucosamine is also an important component of hyaluronic acid, which shows a high affinity to cells without being rejected.

4. Asinion of chitin-chitosan takes the form of a. colloidal gel with a rather strong absorptive capacity.
5. It is a natural fibrous substance being nontoxic and free from any adverse side effects.
6. Its target organs are not limited to any specified visceral organ but it affects the body as a whole.

1. High purity, with 85% deacylation: It is most suited for the absorption of toxic wastes in the body.
The degraded product with 6 units of glucosamine is the most efficient low molecular weight component and shows the most antineoplastic activity.
2. A high affinity to viable cells in the body. Due to the fact that fibrous germinating cells which form the skin can grow continuously on chitin chitosan, itis safe as sucrose.
3. As it is extracted from the outer integument of crabs, it forms a cationic fibrous food, which is also suitable for vegetarians.
4. It is stable, non-hygroscopic and always exhibits a consistent effect through its actions.

As chitin-chitosan is a fibrous food, it shares the common properties of fibrous foods in that it can absorb water, with a swelling, wetting action and is easily dispersed to exhibit strong absorptive power. It cannot be digested for absorption, but helps to promote the peristalsis (movements) ofthe intestinal tract, increasing the volume of the bowels, shortening the time for passage of wastes through the intestine and lower abdominal areas. It also prevents the occurrence of colorectal cancer. It does however differ from ordinary fibrous foods because it can be partially digested and absorbed by the action of enzymes to exercise its unique therapeutic effect.

Independent research done by a famous professor at the Tottori University in Tokyo, Japan he transplanted some cancer cells into certain animals to develop skin carcinomia in these animals. He then divided the infested animals into two groups. One group was given chitin-chitosan and the other group was kept as the control. The result of the study showed that the treated group has no trace of cancer cells and recovered to normal health, while the control group which did not receive chitin-chitosan all died.

In Clinical trials; chitin-chitosan produced satisfactory results. The mechanisms of anti-neoplastic action of chitin-chitosan are:

1. Inhibitions of toxins produced by cancer cells. Patients usually experience a decrease in body weight due to cancer. This is as a result of the toxic substance released from cancer cells lowering the iron content in blood and causing anemia. This is followed by the decomposition of fats in the body causing anorexia. Patients suffering from cancer showed an increase in appetite after the administration of chitin—chitosan, because it is decomposed to form groups of small molecules that are absorbed by the intestines to inhibit the formation of toxins.

2. Vitalizes the activity of lymphocytes that can kill cancer cells.In our bodies, there are larger amounts of lymphocytes such as NK and LAK cells. They can differentiate normal cell from cancerous .cells and kill the latter. They are most effective in alkaline pH. Chitosan pushes the pH to about 7.4 and they exhibit the strongest killing effect then. The pH value near the vicinity of cancerous cells usually tends to be slightly acidic, which retards the vitality of lymphocytes. Chitin-chitosan has the tendency to increase the PH value of the surrounding area by approximately 0.5% to create an environment suitable for lymphocytes to perform their functions.

3. Inhibits metastasis (transfer) of cancer cells. The metastasis of cancer cells is a process that must be carried out via the blood vessels on the surface of the endothelial cells of the blood vessels there are certain agents known as causal agents. Cancer cells must, firstly adhere to this agent and then transfer the disease from its primary focus to a distant one through the blood vessel or lymph channel. Chitin-Chitosan can adhere to the casual agents on the endothelial surface, thus preventing metastasis.

People usually become weary when talking about cholesterol. It is usually considered a primary cause of heart diseases, myocardial infarction and arteriosclerosis. Actually it also plays an indispensable role in the human body. It forms an important component of the brain, nerves, sex hormones and cell membranes. Cholic acid essential for digestion and absorption of fat is also derived from cholesterol. Therefore, as long as the cholesterol level is kept at an acceptable norm in the body, it has a positive effect but once it becomes excessive, it may accumulate on the vessel walls to hinder blood circulation causing arteriosclerosis. Chitin-Chitosan has the function of adjusting the excessive cholesterol to normal levels by:

1. Hindering the absorption of cholesterol by the body: Cholesterol present in thefood must be converted to cholesterol esters by cholesterol enzymes before it can be absorbed by the body but the enzymes in turn must have a sufficient amount of bile acid surrounding the cholesterol. Chitin-Chitosan can easily combine with the bile acid resulting in the complete exhaustion of the enzymes, thus the cholesterol cannot be converted into its esters to be absorbable.

2. Hinders the absorption of fat. As chitin-chitosan is a positively charged cation, it can accumulate around the negatively charged oily drops (fat) forming barrier to hinder the absorption of the fat. Even if the fat present is absorbed, the chitin-chitosan which is absorbed at the same time will greatly decrease the amount of fat stored. Furthermore, the fatty matter is not present as a single entity in the blood stream, it must be combined 'with cholesterol or protein particles. Thus, with the decrease of fat in the blood, the amount of cholesterol is also lowered.

3. Promotes the conversion of cholesterol: Bile acid is an important component present in the digestive fluid formed by cholesterol in the liver and is stored in the gall bladder. When it accomplishes its 'task of fat digestion and absorption, it returns to the gall bladder. Due to the fact that bile acid is combined with the chitin-chitosan, it IS totally excreted from the body and its reserves in the gall bladder can only be maintained by the conversion of cholesterol in the liver, thus resulting in a lowered level of cholesterol.

Ingestion of sodium chloride may cause the elevation of blood pressure, but recent studies have shown that the elevation of blood pressure is only related to the chloride, chlorine component, while the sodium part is without blame. Chloride in common salt can activate enzymes causing the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin. As chitin-chitosan is a cationic dietary fiber. It can combine with the Chloride anion in common salt and be excreted with faeces therefore, the blood pressure does not become elevated.

Clinical trials showed that chitin-chitosan is very effective for diabetic patients.
Scientists' of Tokyo University carried out experiments by preparing an animal feed containing chitin-chitosan. Two separate groups of animals were used: one group was fed normal feed and the other special feed. The result of the study showed that the diabetic animals feeding on chitin-chitosan has a lower blood sugar value than those feeding on ordinary food and their urine sugar was brought under control during the progress of Diabetes Mellitus.

A three-year old boy from Sakhalin, Russia has 80% burns and was hospitalized for emergency treatment at the end of 1990. He was treated with artificial skin made from chitin-chitosan. Several months afterwards the boy recovered dramatically and his scars were healed. The reason for this miraculous effect was:

1. Treatment with artificial skin made of chitin-chitosan causes no rejection by the body. As this rejection may cause a series of unpleasant after effect.
2. Stick a piece of artificial skin on the wound and the body will adhere to this skin; the bandage can later be removed without reopening the wound.
3. Chitin - Chitosan has an action of vitalizing cell activity to produce large amount of collagenous fibers for the rapid formation of new skin without leaving any scars.
4. Chitin-Chitosan has no homeostatic activities to prevent bleeding or hemorrhaging of the actual wound.

Research studies showed the chitin-chitosan has an excellent therapeutic effect in the treatment of liver disorders. When experimental animals were fed with foods containing a high percentage of cholesterol, they usually developed fatty livers and hepatitis showing a carmine red appearance due to the elevation of cholesterol and neutral fat in their blood. If they were fed with chitin-chitosan at the same time, then their liver remained the original dark brown colour and appeared to be very healthy.

Chitosan improves the acidic condition to develop a healthy body that is not vulnerable to disease. The pH value is always maintained at a slightly basic level of about 7.4, this is because hemoglobin in the erythrocytes can act as a buffer at 7.35. Therefore, it is generally understood that body fluid should be slightly basic; otherwise it would be easy to get sick. With the exception of blood, all other fluid contains no hemoglobin to offer a buffer action. On the other hand, a certain amount of CO2 produced by muscular exercise may flow into body fluid surrounding the muscle cells and cause an acidic condition in the body fluid. In such a condition, the functions of Lymphatic cells to maintain a normal immunological function can be lowered leading to the possible development of various diseases.

Environmental pollution, which causes a lot of health problems in human is ever increasing nowadays with the advancement of modern scientific achievements. Eth most well-known is the harmful effects of heavy metals. For example, cadmium poisoning can cause ostealgia and mercury may cause toxic symptoms characterized by peppery taste in the mouth, excessive salivation, loss of teeth, sponginess of the gums and ulceration within the mouth and marked emaciation which cannot be cured by modern medical means. The only approach is to reply on the absorption power of chitin-chitin for it effective excretion of these heavy metals.

In traditional Chinese medical practice much attention is placed on the state of micro-circulation. The concept of blood stasis and an unbalanced humeral equilibrium is based on this. Blood stasis is a disease that occurs due to the impeded flow of the essence of life known as the “qi” (energy). In the case of inadequate blood flow and tumor, the body temperature may lower causing a chilly feeling. This may result in lumbago and back pain due to the insufficient supply of oxygen. By means of dilating capillaries to increase micro-circulation such can be easily overcome.

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