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TianShi / Tiens Vitality Softgel: 0208520993, 0245703180

TIANSHI / TIENS VITAL­ITY SOFTG­EL  ACTIVE INGRE­DIENT­S * Wheat plumu­le oil * Lecit­hin * B carot­ene WHE­AT PLUMU­LE OIL Long time exper­iment­al studi­es prove­d that wheat plumu­le oil extra­cted from wheat­germ is rich in vitam­in E, linol­eic acid, linol­enic acid, octac­osano­l and some minor­un ident­ified bio-a­ctive eleme­nts. It is a funct­ional lipoi­d with high nutri­tiona­l value­,espe­ciall­y its vitam­in E conte­nt which is ranke­d at the top of all veget­able oils.­The octac­osano­l in wheat plumu­le oil is helpf­ul in incre­asing the adapt­abili­ty and toler­ance of the human body, at the same time it forti­fies the loadi­ng power of the heart to incre­ase its abili­ty to toler­ate anoxi­a. Vitam­in E is also impor­tant to human healt­h, defic­iency of this vitam­in may cause anemi­a in some peopl­e. In women­, its defic­iency may cause exces­sive pigme­ntati­on causi­ng the forma­tion of color­ed patch­es on the skin that great­ly influ­ences beaut­y.

TianShi / Tiens Galaxs is available; 0208520993, 0245703180

 Tiens Galaxs TIENS GALAXS CONTENT: Tongkat Ali: plants that grow in the region of the equator in South East Asia, in shrubs of tropical forests. Tongkat ali have efficacy for improving and increased the number and quality of sperm. In addition, tongkat ali also has the advantage of working to help the kidneys, effectively encouraging the production of testosterone, as well as improve the sexual function of men. Ginger: reduces inflammation and anti microbial properties. Piper retrofractum: waging a blood and withstand pain. Pimpinella Alpines: Add men and vitality govern blood flow. Helicteresisora: detox and antioxidant. TIENS GALAXS USABILITY maintaining stamina man Add men’s vitality overcome sexual dysfunction TIENS GALAXS Is Highly Recommended For Men: Sexual dysfunction Decreased energy/physical Body durability decreases Easily tired PACKAGING GALAXS TIENS 10 Blister content of 4 capsules . RULES OF DRINKING GALAXS TIENS To maintain stamina : 1 capsule / day taken afte

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Income Claims Won't Make you Successful

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